BLS Skills & Procedures
Welcome to the BLS Skills & Procedures module! Here are some helpful resources for the different skills you will need to perform as an EMT, AEMT, or Paramedic. Vital signs are located in the EMS Basics module. Medication administration is in the Pharmacology module.
Remember, always consider the indications and contraindications for all of these skills.
Some of these videos are a little old... but they are pretty straightforward and get the job done.
Blood glucose measurement.
Blood glucose is important for altered mental status and diabetic emergencies. Normal glucose is typically 70-150 mg/dL. (That range is not consistent as many sources are slightly different.)
Manual airway techniques.
How to use a BVM.
Putting in an NPA.
Putting in an OPA.
Pediatric OPA.
Rigid tip suctioning.
Flexible tip suctioning.
King Tube Insertion
I-Gel Insertion
CPAP Usage
I get it, there are a number of flavors of CPAP devices, and yours might be different. However, I thought this video was a nice demonstration of using it.
Airway Obstruction (The Heimlich)
For techniques related to CPR, it is best to refer to your AHA training, as that is the standard and the best info provided to you. This video is both funny and informative so I thought I'd add it.
Nasal Cannula & Non-Rebreather
Bleeding Control
In large vessels like the femoral and brachial arteries, consider using a tourniquet first, as they will lose a lot of blood fast.